Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Happy Ending

Disclaimer: Only the poem is mine. And even that has elements of Rowling in it…can’t ever win, can I?

If I Could

If I could enter one of those stories

Those fairy tales

Where everything turns out right

And everything has a happy ending,

I would do everything I’ve ever wanted to do.

I would hug my father and mother

Without fear of being hit back.

I would play with Muggle children

And they would stay alive.

I would fly for the sheer joy of it

And there would be no one to say me nay.

I would apologize to the Boy-Who-Lived

For making his life a living hell.

I would kiss Hermione Granger

Till the stars came loose from heaven.

I would yell at the Lord Voldemort

And tell him to go to the hell he belongs to.

I would break free from these chains of prison

And soar above into the stars of light.

I would do everything I ever wanted to

Without fear or regret for the consequences.

And finally

Most importantly of all,

I would finally have

A happy ending.

—Found in the cell of the late Death Eater prisoner Draco Malfoy.

A/N: I think the poem said it all. And yes, the poem is my own. R&R please!

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